Saturday, December 1, 2012

World AIDS Day: What It Means To Me

"World AIDS Day for me is a day to celebrate awareness and collaboration to fight and put a halt to a plague killing our friends and family, a day where we make people realize that having HIV isn't the end of the world, that there is life after the diagnosis, that there are lots PLHIV's who are empowered, successful, and happy and that should be it.. 

I want this day to instill thoughts to our community that HIV isn't just a health issue, nor is it isolated to certain people or population group (MSM or men having sex with men). It hits the whole community and every sector of a person’s life. We may not be infected but we are all affected by HIV. There should be a holistic approach in dealing with it is important. We should mainstream it so to eradicate discrimination and prejudice..

How? By advocacy, awareness and education.. and a more deeper approach that starts from us and away from fear.. when we start to love ourselves,
when we dare -- to know ourselves more, know our status and love who we really are.

When we care -- about our health, our loved ones, our gifts, our friends and family

And when we dare and care... Then we can share, whatever it is that we have :)

Cheers to WAD."

Ronnievinn Garcia Pagtakhan
HIV Advocate