Hello Pozzie,
Good day!
First of all I would like to commend your blog. I have read a lot about HIV / AIDS lately and I am really thankful because it is very inspiring, informative and educational.
Moving on, I would like to raise some questions regarding my situation. I am a really alarmed and anxious.
I had an unprotected vaginal encounter with one of my friend on August 21. A few days later I experienced some HIV related symptoms such as head aches, sores, joint pains and muscle pains. No rashes, diarrhea nor fever encountered so far until now, but still I am very alarmed.
I went to consult a doctor thinking it’s only UTI and underwent a urinalysis (2 weeks after suspected exposure). The doctor told me everything is clear based on the results. But still unsatisfied with her findings, the following morning, I went to our Social Hygiene Clinic to undergo VD / VDRL tests. Blood was extracted from me and so goes with the gram staining, still the results were NON-REACTIVE for Syphilis. During the gram staining procedure the physician even told me that my penis has no sores or wounds whatsoever, “Mukha namang malinis” he told. Still I experience continuous head aches, joint pains and muscle pains that time.
The following week, I encouraged my friend whom I made the encounter with also to have her tests. So she went to their local Social Hygiene Clinic, results for HIV and Syphilis were both NON-REACTIVE.
The week after, I had the courage to go to RITM Malate to have my tests too since the symptoms are not subsiding (4 weeks after suspected exposure). I had my test for Hepatitis B, Syphilis and HIV all NON-REACTIVE so far, though I am aware about the “Window Period” thing.
The things that bother me are:
· Are the pains that I’m encountering only are results of anxiety?
· She told me that she is promiscuous. Could she be also in her “Window Period” during our encounter that’s why her results are NON-REACTIVE?
· Just by looking at the scenario, how high is my risk of getting HIV?
Hope to hear your insights.
Thank you so much and more power!
Hi S.
Thank you for your email. Thank you for the kind words that you wrote about the blog. It is nice to hear people saying good things about it.
I am proud of you for taking the HIV Tests and the STD tests. It really takes a lot of courage to do those. I am also proud of you for convincing your sex partner to take the tests too.
Let me answer your concerns in the order that you asked them.
First, it is possible that the pains that you are experiencing are due to anxiety or a symptom of something medical in nature. Best is to go to an infectious disease doctor since you experience these post exposure and seek consult so you can have better insight. Your ID doctor can refer you also to other specialists who will help in solving your problem.
Second, a non-reactive result means that HIV antibodies had not been detected by the HIV test. It is either one is really HIV negative, or one is in the window period for HIV antibody production which is up to 3 months post infection. That is why, it is best to retake the HIV test 6 months post exposure just to be really sure.
Third, any unprotected sex is high risk since HIV is a sexually transmitted disease. It is easy to diagnose by just taking the HIV tests and nothing more. HIV symptoms are non specific so, they are basically unreliable for diagnosis.
I hope I was able to answer your concerns. Feel free to email me again if you have other questions.
Stay healthy,
NO PLHIV is alone with his or her struggle with HIV!"
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Tags: HIV Manila, HIV Philippines, AIDS Manila, AIDS Philippines, HIV/AIDS Manila, HIV/AIDS Philippines