Friday, November 25, 2011


When I was confined in the hospital, almost 3 months ago, Tag and I got my own infectious disease (ID) doctor. She was the one who guided me on what to do, what lab tests to take and which hub to go to. When I was ready for my ARV's, she just gave me a prescription addressed to another ID in a hub to give me the ARV's that I need. Once I was taking my ARV's I still had frequent consultations with my ID doctor.

The question boils down to this. If you can afford to have your own doctors, is it possible to have them? The answer is yes! I have my own pulmo, GI (gastro intestinal), nephrologist and a private ID. They still monitor me. My ID is in charge of my medicines now and monitoring my reaction to them. She just gives me the prescription to get the medicines from the hub. She also tells me which labs tests to take prior to my consultation with her. She is in charge of the whole team. If in case she suspects a possible OI, she will address them by referring me to my doctors who specialize in that specific area. For instance, my ID suspects a liver problem, my GI doctor would come into the picture. My GI would then communicate with my ID for his findings. But it is my option.

In case you decide to be in a hub without having your own personal doctors, they are all fully manned with competent doctors. You will be seen by an ID in the hub and he or she will be the head of the team. If there are possible OI's, he or she can refer you to other doctors in the hub who specialize in that specific field.

Do you have to be confined in your hub if there are problems? No, unless you are in financial distress. The hub hospital usually has free or discounted hospitalization as covered by PhilHealth, but if you opt to be confined in another hospital of your choice, it's still possible. Of course it is easier for a hub doctor to see you regularly because you are in the hub hospital, but in case you are more comfortable in another hospital, it is still your choice. What's important is for your hub doctor to be informed by your attending physician in the hospital you are confined in. Communication is a bit harder but treatment is a partnership among you and your doctors. You still have a choice.

You have lots of options. You have to choose which is the best that will suit you. If you are still scared and confused when you go to a hub, make sure that you have somebody who will accompany you, who will make an educated decision for you. Your doctors are there to direct and guide you, not force you. You choose your best option!

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