The official blog of The Project Red Ribbon Care Management Foundation, Inc. (TRR).


    As part of awareness and education program, the foundation organizes its own national events to coincide with the international AIDS events: World AIDS Day and International AIDS Candlelight Memorial


    TRR Love Fund is the arm of the foundation which provides medical assistance to the financially challenged PLHIV.

  • Care assistance for HIV Test

    The Care Assistant Program involves assistance to HIV testing and HIV and AIDS Treatment hubs in the Philippines. Our volunteers schedule the client to the clinic or hub, assist with the procedure in the clinic or hub and conduct peer counseling


    With the TRR Hotline Numbers, our volunteers answer concerns and inquiries about HIV and AIDS, do counselling, refers clients to nearest HIV Testing facility, HIV and AIDS Treatment Hub and government and NGO organizations for support


    The foundation volunteers conduct one-on-one counseling either on the phone or in person. They also conduct group counseling


    The support group talk (SGT) is a program that involves giving HIV lectures by guest speakers, discuss topics about HIV, care, treatment and support, discussion issues related to HIV


    The foundation's outreach program is geared towards providing support to our fellow PLHIV's in the HIV and AIDS Treatment Hubs. Volunteers hand out of donations of medicines and special gifts to PLHIV, give inspirational talks by invited guests to a group of PLHIV, bonding over snacks or meal, visit the sick who are confined in the hospital

  • Referral System

    As part of treatment, the foundation's referral program involves our volunteers referring clients to specialized doctors who are HIV friendly. The foundation has it's own list of specialty doctors of low cost for the indigent PLHIV.

  • Online Support Group

    The foundation has a private Online Support Group in facebook. This group of advocates, supporters, counselors, health Workers and PLHIV

  • Home Health

    Aside from client counselling, the foundation volunteers also do family counselling and home visitation for awareness and continuance of care.

  • Health Fitness

    The foundation believes in holistic approach to treatment and care, thus inclusion of these programs: yoga, dance, swimming, jogging and running, boot camp workouts


    As part of awareness and education program, the foundation organizes its own national events to coincide with the international AIDS events: World AIDS Day and International AIDS Candlelight Memorial


    TRR Love Fund is the arm of the foundation which provides medical assistance to the financially challenged PLHIV.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

You Are Still Alive!

With the ill effects of HIV/AIDS we somehow feel that everything is hopeless. We feel that it's the end of the line for us. We feel that everything is crushing down on us. But wait, we are still alive. We are still capable of fighting back! Well, in my humble opinion and based on my experiences, everything can be reversed and we can all be healthy again as long as we strengthen ourselves physically and psychologically. We alone can fight it! When I got sick before and when I was first diagnosed, these were the things that I planted in my mind: 1....

Benefits of Exercise

Exercise has been proven to provide many health benefits, ranging from increased aerobic fitness to improved mood for the general population. Although healthcare professionals previously recommended that persons with HIV/AIDS refrain from exercise due to concerns of symptom exacerbation or increased risk of infection, current research implies that persons with HIV/AIDS can reap some of the same benefits of exercise as the general population. Today, therapeutic exercise is becoming a more commonly prescribed alternative therapy for persons with...



Still Fighting

I know. I've not been blogging as frequent as before. I guess I'm busy? Well, that is true. But I am forgetting the fact that with my disease comes a responsibility. I now has the capacity to help others who are, right now undergoing a serious process in their lives. An experience that they won't forget for the rest of their lives. For those who are reading my blog, I can proudly report to all of you that I've been healthy ever since I took my first tablets of ARV's. I had two bouts of colds this year but they never lasted for more than a...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Hospital Visit

Today I went to see my doctors in the private hospital that I used to go during the early months of my illness. I saw my friend who has been my attending physician ever since I got sick, my pulmonologist and my GI doctor. All were shocked because they all said I looked so good... uhhhh and fat! Oh well, there was nothing to be ashamed of. The last time they saw me, which was almost 9 months ago, I was 140 pounds, unlike now that I am 165.  I was with Tag and I am so glad that they all know us by our first names. My pulmonologist...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

March 2012: New Cases

Read this from the Philippine HIV/AIDS Registry of the NEC/DOH: Newly Diagnosed HIV/AIDS in the Philippines In March 2012, there were 313 new HIV Ab sero-positive individuals confirmed by the STD/AIDS Cooperative  Central Laboratory (SACCL) and reported to the HIV and AIDS Registry. This was 82% higher compared to the same period last year, and the highest number of cases ever reported in the registry. Most of the cases (93%)...

Email 15

HI, Thanks for your reply. I just want to clarify about my BF. Last month, he had his bloodwork done here in XXX as part of his employment. Then it turned out to be positive. He returned to Manila a day after and went to XXX to get tested again. The doctor in XXX told him that they will text my BF a day after his blood was extracted however if it turns out to be positive, they will forward to San Lazaro where the result is available on the 3rd week of May. Its just the first week and we are still waiting for the results. As for...

Email 14

Hi, I was reading your blog and confused about you considering yourself to have AIDS instead of PLHIV. Why is it like that? Isn't that AIDS will only occur if your CD4 drops to below 200? If it goes up again, is it still considered as AIDS? Pls advise. Thanks, Iam POZZIEPINOY’S REPLY Hi Iam, To answer your question, first, my initial CD4 was 76. From the WHO criteria, I already have AIDS. Second, I had recurrent pneumonia and PCP which are opportunistic infections and together with having HIV and a low CD4 count,...

Email 13

I received another email this weekend: Hi, I saw your email in one of the HIV blogs.  I am confused, I need someone to talk to. I am an OFW and will be returning to PH on XXX I went to XXX last year of XXX until I was able to find a good job. I left my BF in PH but he came to XXX also XXX. During my time in XXX alone, I became very wild. Having sex with people of all kinds. Something that I regret a lot My last sex is XXX, a day before he came to XXX, but it is with a Filipino. He discovered my whereabouts...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

New Bill

Bill seeks to curb AIDs as 10 new Pinoys get HIV daily May 02, 2012 By Anna Valmero QUEZON CITY, METRO MANILA—Last March, the country hit a record of ten new daily cases of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), prompting the need for a legislation to help prevent and curb the spread of the infection from becoming a full blown epidemic. A total of 313 Filipinos were diagnosed with HIV last March, contributing to a rise of a total of 799 cases for the first three months of the year—a 65 percent rise from last year's 483 cases...

212nd Day

My fault. I’ve been busy with work, my hobby and with a lot of responsibilities that I wasn’t able to blog as frequent as I used to. However, I am still active with the Love Fund and still assisting patients of Dr. Ditangco and that I am more grateful than proud... to have been given the privilege to help other people. I also check once in a while the health status of my fellow pozzies. So far, most of them are doing good, and I am thankful for that. Today is my 212nd day of taking my ARV’s. Can you believe that I am still counting up...