The official blog of The Project Red Ribbon Care Management Foundation, Inc. (TRR).


    As part of awareness and education program, the foundation organizes its own national events to coincide with the international AIDS events: World AIDS Day and International AIDS Candlelight Memorial


    TRR Love Fund is the arm of the foundation which provides medical assistance to the financially challenged PLHIV.

  • Care assistance for HIV Test

    The Care Assistant Program involves assistance to HIV testing and HIV and AIDS Treatment hubs in the Philippines. Our volunteers schedule the client to the clinic or hub, assist with the procedure in the clinic or hub and conduct peer counseling


    With the TRR Hotline Numbers, our volunteers answer concerns and inquiries about HIV and AIDS, do counselling, refers clients to nearest HIV Testing facility, HIV and AIDS Treatment Hub and government and NGO organizations for support


    The foundation volunteers conduct one-on-one counseling either on the phone or in person. They also conduct group counseling


    The support group talk (SGT) is a program that involves giving HIV lectures by guest speakers, discuss topics about HIV, care, treatment and support, discussion issues related to HIV


    The foundation's outreach program is geared towards providing support to our fellow PLHIV's in the HIV and AIDS Treatment Hubs. Volunteers hand out of donations of medicines and special gifts to PLHIV, give inspirational talks by invited guests to a group of PLHIV, bonding over snacks or meal, visit the sick who are confined in the hospital

  • Referral System

    As part of treatment, the foundation's referral program involves our volunteers referring clients to specialized doctors who are HIV friendly. The foundation has it's own list of specialty doctors of low cost for the indigent PLHIV.

  • Online Support Group

    The foundation has a private Online Support Group in facebook. This group of advocates, supporters, counselors, health Workers and PLHIV

  • Home Health

    Aside from client counselling, the foundation volunteers also do family counselling and home visitation for awareness and continuance of care.

  • Health Fitness

    The foundation believes in holistic approach to treatment and care, thus inclusion of these programs: yoga, dance, swimming, jogging and running, boot camp workouts


    As part of awareness and education program, the foundation organizes its own national events to coincide with the international AIDS events: World AIDS Day and International AIDS Candlelight Memorial


    TRR Love Fund is the arm of the foundation which provides medical assistance to the financially challenged PLHIV.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Home of RITM Satellite Clinic Malate

This is to inform everyone that the RITM Satellite Malate Clinic  will resume operations on  Saturday, Jan 3, 2015 at its NEW location -  # 1936 San Marcelino St, Malate (beside Caltex Gas Station near Quirino Street) It will follow the same schedule - Daily, (except tues & wed)11am to 7pm. Thanks. A blessed new year everyone. ...

Philippine HIV and AIDS Registry: November 2014 Report

There are 492 new HIV cases in November 2014 in the Philippines according to the latest Philippine HIV and AIDS Registry of the Department of Health National Epidemiology Center. According to the report, 96% of the cases were male and 85% of the cases showed males having sex with males as the predominant type of sexual transmission. The highest cases are coming from the NCR (43%), followed by Region IVA (13%) and then by both Regions III and...

Monday, December 29, 2014

RITM is now 24/7!!!

ADVISORY Effective January 5, 2015, your RITM-ARG will implement a new system for ARV REFILL. 1) All ARG clients who are on regular/ scheduled refills (ie not on treatment trial) may now call the:  ARV REFILL HOTLINE  Globe 0917 714 6962 Smart 0949709873...

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Happy Holidays from TRR


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Signs and Symptoms of HIV

Good evening po, ano po ang mga sintomas ng HIV? Magkano po ang pagpapatest? thank you POZZIEPINOY’S RESPONSE Hi there. Thank you for your email. Thank you for finding and reading the blog. Now to answer your questions, first, HIV has non specific symptoms. Initially after the unprotected sex or other means of transmission, there will be flu like symptoms which will last for a week, after which there no symptoms will be observed by...

Iloilo HIV Facility

is there any ritm in iloilo? or hiv center?  POZZIEPINOY’S RESPONSE Hi there. Thank you for your email. Thank you for finding the blog. There is no RITM in Iloilo. However, there is an HIV and AIDS Treatment Hub there. Here is the name and address: Western Visayas Medical Center HACT Office Q. Abeto St., Mandurriao, Iloilo City...

False Positive

hi good day.. I got tested (screened) for HIV last Oct 29,2014 and it turned out na nag   react ako sa screening last exposure to unprotected sex was mga   1st or 2nd quarter last year (2013). Inadvice ako nila na to take the ELISA   and Western Blot test ( which was sent to San Lazaro)... a month after   (December 5,2014) bumalik ako sa clinic para makuha ang result.. tapos   nakita...

Pregnant and Wants to Take the HIV Test

I live in 3 mos preg.need to have an hiv test.what r the requirements at marikina city health office? Pls assist me.thanks ...

About Klinika Bernardo

HI where is the exact location of klinika bernardo please. thanks Jerard ...


Hello Thank you for reading this message. Anyway i am just a bit anxious. And probably i just need some reassurance. My stress began 1st week of september 2014. I went to the famous "spakol" spots. Anyway that day after the thera gave me a massage it was time for the ES. She gave me oral and i gave her oral sex also. I did. Ot have a condom so i we did not perform penetrative sex. I returned a week later but I think...


Hi pozzie, do you know the contact number of ARG RITM Alabang? they don't seem to respond to my messages. I'm about to ask them for my cd4 schedule. I'm from the province and it's kinda inconvenient for me to walk-in just for scheduling... Pls help. Thanks a lot.  ...

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

TRR World AIDS Day Philippines 2014: A Weeklong Observance

The TRR World AIDS Day Philippines 2014 was observed for not just a day but an entire week of events, campaigns and the the culminating event, its WAD Ceremonies.  November 28, Friday:  GIZ Partnered with TRR For 2 consecutive years, the German International Agency (GIZ) partnered with TRR for their World AIDS Day 2014 and this year it was entitled Teen's Day for World AIDS Day. TRR prepared and facilitated the entire program for GIZ...