The official blog of The Project Red Ribbon Care Management Foundation, Inc. (TRR).


    As part of awareness and education program, the foundation organizes its own national events to coincide with the international AIDS events: World AIDS Day and International AIDS Candlelight Memorial


    TRR Love Fund is the arm of the foundation which provides medical assistance to the financially challenged PLHIV.

  • Care assistance for HIV Test

    The Care Assistant Program involves assistance to HIV testing and HIV and AIDS Treatment hubs in the Philippines. Our volunteers schedule the client to the clinic or hub, assist with the procedure in the clinic or hub and conduct peer counseling


    With the TRR Hotline Numbers, our volunteers answer concerns and inquiries about HIV and AIDS, do counselling, refers clients to nearest HIV Testing facility, HIV and AIDS Treatment Hub and government and NGO organizations for support


    The foundation volunteers conduct one-on-one counseling either on the phone or in person. They also conduct group counseling


    The support group talk (SGT) is a program that involves giving HIV lectures by guest speakers, discuss topics about HIV, care, treatment and support, discussion issues related to HIV


    The foundation's outreach program is geared towards providing support to our fellow PLHIV's in the HIV and AIDS Treatment Hubs. Volunteers hand out of donations of medicines and special gifts to PLHIV, give inspirational talks by invited guests to a group of PLHIV, bonding over snacks or meal, visit the sick who are confined in the hospital

  • Referral System

    As part of treatment, the foundation's referral program involves our volunteers referring clients to specialized doctors who are HIV friendly. The foundation has it's own list of specialty doctors of low cost for the indigent PLHIV.

  • Online Support Group

    The foundation has a private Online Support Group in facebook. This group of advocates, supporters, counselors, health Workers and PLHIV

  • Home Health

    Aside from client counselling, the foundation volunteers also do family counselling and home visitation for awareness and continuance of care.

  • Health Fitness

    The foundation believes in holistic approach to treatment and care, thus inclusion of these programs: yoga, dance, swimming, jogging and running, boot camp workouts


    As part of awareness and education program, the foundation organizes its own national events to coincide with the international AIDS events: World AIDS Day and International AIDS Candlelight Memorial


    TRR Love Fund is the arm of the foundation which provides medical assistance to the financially challenged PLHIV.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

TRR Yoga Classes

ADVISORY The Red Ribbon  in partnership with The Yoga For Life will be having  YOGA CLASSES on February 8 & 22, 2014 at 2pm in the Conference Room, 28th Floor Medical Plaza Ortigas Bldg,  San Miguel Avenue, Pasig City For details and reservations please contact MARKY 0906-3892402 LOCATION MAP How to Get There: Commute: 1. EDSA Route:          i. MRT:   ...

Activities of The Red Ribbon

The Activities of The Red Ribbon (TRR) Care Management Program for the month of February: 1. TRR Health & Fitness     a. Bootcamp Workouts (2x a month) -Pasig Area     b. Track Jogging (once a month) - Marikina Area     c. Yoga          i. February 8 and 22 (Saturdays), 2pm, Medical Plaza, San Miguel Avenue, Ortigas          ii. In partnership with Yoga for Life  ...

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Love Yourself Platinum HIV Testing

Note: The Red Ribbon Care Management Program is a strong partner of The Love Yourself....

My PLHIV Story: There is Life After AIDS!

Hi Pozzie Pinoy, This e-mail is an account of my three months of experience being a person living with HIV. EXPERIENCING THE SYMPTOMS I went through the signs of having HIV without me having an idea that I already had the disease.  In 2012, I had mouth sores that were bigger, more painful and taking a lot more time to heal than the usual, about a week.  In summer a year ago, I had episodes of having boils at both armpits.  They...

ADVISORY: RITM-ARG and RITM Satellite Clinic Closed on January 31, 2014

ADVISORY Please be informed that RITM-ARG & RITM-Satellite Clinic are  CLOSED on Friday,  January 31, 2013. Approved for posting by Dr. Rossana Ditangco Head, RITM-ARG "WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. NO PLHIV is alone with his or her struggle with HIV!" -Pozziepinoy- Want to be ASSISTED for the HIV TEST??  Check this link: CARE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM If you have comments or questions,...

Wanda's Angel

This is reality. We are faced with deaths because of HIV & AIDS. We can't turn a blind eye. We need to accept that it is happening in our country and we as a PLHIV community should one, cherish our lives more, two appreciate the services being delivered to us, three, love more and be decent members of society, four, continue inviting people to take the HIV test and five, educate others on early detection and early treatment. Below...

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Philippine HIV & AIDS Registry: December 2013 Report

The Philippine HIV & AIDS Registry of the Department of Health - National Epidemiology Center has just released it's December 2013 Report. Based on the report, there were 358 new cases of HIV. Most of the cases were male (95%), males having sex with males (82%) were the predominant type of sexual transmission. 91% of the cases were still asymptomatic at the time of the reporting. The bulk of the HIV cases in December 2013 came from NCR,...

Email 486: About Symptoms, Smoking and Healthy Living

Hi Pozziepinoy. December 23, 2013-- I felt the syptoms of HIV --- January 2, 2014--HIV test result I am positive January 8, 2014 - CD4 counts 400 - councillor advice me to have a healthy living and check my cd4 again on April 1, 2014...he told me that Asian guidelines for taking ARV cd4 below 350..... My  question: At present  why is it that I feel the symptoms of HIV such as a small rashes and neck pain. How to live...

Email 485: Conclusiveness at 6 Months

hello pozzie ... thank you for this blog.. this truly help US feel a lot better and somehow feel that WE are not alone ... Pozzie gusto ko lang sana malaman if accurate na ang result ng HIV test sa RITM satellite within 6 months ? conclusive na ba ito ?...

Email 484: HIV Testing for Pre-Employment?

hello po ask ku lng pwede po ba ako dyan mgpatest ng aids...pero wala po ako sakit kelangan lng po for pre employment... char...

Email 483: To Retake the HIV Test or Not

Hi pozziepinoy I have a question, my ex partner tested positive last September.  I was afraid that I might be positive because the last three times that we had sex we didn't used condom. My last sexually encountered with him was around august 23-25. I got tested right away when he tested positive and my result was negative. Then at that time we broke up. I went to get tested again last .December 17 2013 to double check if I am positive or...

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Email 482: Anal Wart Removal

Hi PP, Would you know where is the best place where i can have my anal warts removed? I tried the topical cream oxyfend the one i saw being posted/recommended in the web. But it seems it is not working, i found out i'm positive when i discovered warts on my anal area, so i had myself tested, that was 4 months ago and the warts seems to spread and getting bigger. I read some article on your blog of people going to PGH to have it removed, however,...

PLHIV Story: Staying Positive!

Hi Pozzie, I Just want to share my HIV experience. I met my partner through online site in May 2011.  Something happened during our first meet up, pero syempre that time may condom. After a week may nangyari uli saamin, that time without condom. For one year na naging kami naging okay naman ang relationship namin, no big issue.  He stayed in north and I live in south, about 4 hours travel time.  Every week kami nagkikita,...

Email 481: Having Unprotected Sex

Hi Sir Pozzie.  Im XXX, 17 years-old. Hindi alam ng ibang tao na bi ako. Natatakot po ako ngayon kasi palagay ko I'm at risk of having HIV. Due to curiosity, nakipagsex po ako sa isang lalaki na nakilala ko sa internet. Mukha naman po siyang disente at pormal in fact nag ttrabaho sya sa isang kilalang insurance company. But the sad thing is we did it in unprotected manner. It happened last october and we did it for five times hanggang this...

Email 480: To Get Tested or Not?

Hi. I am 22 years old right now aand I had an MSM encounter last dec 25-26, 2013 and last january 1 2014 to one person I met online. He is allegedly 34 years old whoch can be validated by his looks. This is my first time ever to have sex and it was unprotectes one. Please give some advise because I am so paranoid right now. I am not certainly sure on when to get tested for HIV or whether should I really get one.  ...

Email 479: Do I Still Need to Take the HIV Test?

Hey Pozzie, Hope you are well. I have been reading your blog and I should say it's very informative. Thank you for helping your readers. I'm a 23 year old discreet gay man. Like others, I have had my share of curiosity about sex when I was 18 - 20 years old but eventually I stopped. I remember having an unprotected sex just once around 4 years ago, I was the top. It was the only unprotected sex I had. I have evaluated...

Email 478: Gonorrhea and HIV

Good day po, Can you help me about this?? Last Dec 27 2013, I had sex with my friend. He had suck mine. Then we had anal. But before I penetrate, i put a condom and a lube. Then as I noticed na may lumabas na something na dumi or black or brown funny thing from him so I stopped penetrating. And I removed my condom. Then pag check ko sa cr, i noticed some blood sa condom, and I freak out and checked the condom kung may butas by putting water...

Email 477: Successful Treatment

Gusto ko lang sana malaman kung aside from viral load paano mo malalaman na umeepekto ang arv's sayo? I was diagnosed august last year and it was the darkest day of my life.  Natanong ko to kasi i had a cough na hindi gumagaling i was advise ng ng doctor sa hub na mag over the counter meds ako pero hindi pa rin sya tuluyang gumagaling. Nag pa check up din ako sa ibang hospital at clear naman ako sa TB.  Please help. Thanks! ...

Saturday, January 25, 2014

MY HIV Test Experience: Value Your Life

Hi Pozzie Pinoy. This is my story. I am in a discreet monogamous relationship for many years now. We only do foreplay and have never done penetration yet. It's not an issue with me at all. With the advent of SmartPhones, dating and social sites have also sprung up. I got interested in Grindr and installed it on my phone without my partner knowing it at all.  Casual chats then became casual meet-ups which then...

Email 476: OFW Wants to Take the HIV Test

Dear pozzie, hi, im currently working here in middle east, last november2013 ko lang sinimulang basahin ang blogs mo,  last oct.30, 2013 meron akong unprotected sex encounter with an arabic guy, at bottom ang role ko sa encounter namin,  ...

Email 475: Stribild in the Philippines?

Hi Pozzie, Let me thank you for providing us an avenue to help and get helped as well through your project. I am newly diagnosed (11/07/2013) HIV+ and I'm taking right now Stribild. My CD4 is 270 and hopefully it will go up with my medication. Just asking, is Stribild available in the Philippines so I can continue this medication when I go home for good? With my weakening body and ever-increasing demands at work abroad, I am considering to...

Email 474: About the HIV Test

Hi pozziepinoy.  First of all thank you for your blog. I can see that it has help a lot of people and now, its helping me also with my hiv anxiety. Last dec 28 i had a risky encounter wherein i had a brief protected insertive anal sex with a transexual sex worker. The condom was intact and it only lasted about 20 mins (she was good at hiding that he was a tranny during the encounter). However, days before the encounter,...

My HIV Test Experience

Hello! First of all, more power to your blog! Been following your blog for a year now since I started educating myself about PLHIV/AIDS during that time when I repeatedly fell victim to recurrent respiratory illnesses and an unusual sense of drowsiness that I suspected I contracted THE dreaded disease from my old lifestyle (bareback with married/partnered men, risky one night stands, commercial sex work) which I vowed never...

Email 473: HIV Questions!

Hey, Thank you for the blog. Please forgive me for my questions I might be asking too much. I got my test last week through makati med and unfortunately this time the results took longer. They did not tell me that its for the confirmation test or western blot but I am taking it as it is. So I am just waiting for them to call me to officially pronounce me as the walking dead. 😄 sorry too much TV. I am not depressed but no matter how much I condition...

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Power of Anonymity: HIV/AIDS in the Philippines and the Internet

This article by Professor Fernando A. Austria, Jr. was published in Plaridel: A Philippine Journal of Communication. Media and Society, 2013, Vol. 10, Issue No. 2 of the College of Mass Communication, University of the Philippines. Thank you so much. ...

Email 472: Thank You

Hi Pozziepinoy, The article I wrote on HIV/AIDS in the Philippines and your blog is available online. The link to the issue of Plaridel Journal, where my article was published is: click the article entitled: The Power of Anonymity: HIV/Aids in the Philippines and the Internet. Again, your blog allowed me to write this article.  I hope you find it to your liking. F. Austria POZZIEPINOY’S...