The official blog of The Project Red Ribbon Care Management Foundation, Inc. (TRR).


    As part of awareness and education program, the foundation organizes its own national events to coincide with the international AIDS events: World AIDS Day and International AIDS Candlelight Memorial


    TRR Love Fund is the arm of the foundation which provides medical assistance to the financially challenged PLHIV.

  • Care assistance for HIV Test

    The Care Assistant Program involves assistance to HIV testing and HIV and AIDS Treatment hubs in the Philippines. Our volunteers schedule the client to the clinic or hub, assist with the procedure in the clinic or hub and conduct peer counseling


    With the TRR Hotline Numbers, our volunteers answer concerns and inquiries about HIV and AIDS, do counselling, refers clients to nearest HIV Testing facility, HIV and AIDS Treatment Hub and government and NGO organizations for support


    The foundation volunteers conduct one-on-one counseling either on the phone or in person. They also conduct group counseling


    The support group talk (SGT) is a program that involves giving HIV lectures by guest speakers, discuss topics about HIV, care, treatment and support, discussion issues related to HIV


    The foundation's outreach program is geared towards providing support to our fellow PLHIV's in the HIV and AIDS Treatment Hubs. Volunteers hand out of donations of medicines and special gifts to PLHIV, give inspirational talks by invited guests to a group of PLHIV, bonding over snacks or meal, visit the sick who are confined in the hospital

  • Referral System

    As part of treatment, the foundation's referral program involves our volunteers referring clients to specialized doctors who are HIV friendly. The foundation has it's own list of specialty doctors of low cost for the indigent PLHIV.

  • Online Support Group

    The foundation has a private Online Support Group in facebook. This group of advocates, supporters, counselors, health Workers and PLHIV

  • Home Health

    Aside from client counselling, the foundation volunteers also do family counselling and home visitation for awareness and continuance of care.

  • Health Fitness

    The foundation believes in holistic approach to treatment and care, thus inclusion of these programs: yoga, dance, swimming, jogging and running, boot camp workouts


    As part of awareness and education program, the foundation organizes its own national events to coincide with the international AIDS events: World AIDS Day and International AIDS Candlelight Memorial


    TRR Love Fund is the arm of the foundation which provides medical assistance to the financially challenged PLHIV.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

IACM Video that You May Want to Watch!


The Project Red Ribbon: NHTW and IACM 2015 Report


Sunday, May 17, 2015

Today is the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial 2015

May 17, 2015 is the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial 2015 (IACM). Today, the entire world will be commemorating it to show solidarity not only to remember those who have passed away because of AIDS but to use the event as a platform to raise awareness, to raise concerns about the situation of HIV and AIDS in each country and to encourage everyone to support all the HIV and AIDS programs. The Philippines: Our Situation The Philippines...

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Press Release

For the first time, The Project Red Ribbon Care Management Foundation, Inc. (TRR) will be holding two international events tomorrow, May 17, 2015 at the Liwasang Aurora, Quezon Memorial Circle starting at 2pm: the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia 2015 Philippines (IDAHOT) and the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial 2015 Philippines (IACM).  IDAHOT is celebrated in more than 130 countries, for LGBTI organizations...

Friday, May 15, 2015

3 Days Before IACM Philippines 2015

3 Days to go before the Big Event! The International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, an international event which is commemorated every 3rd Sunday of the May every year is an event of solidarity together with the international communities, organizations, governments and civil societies. However, it is not just a commemoration of those who passed on because of AIDS, but it is venue where the community, the government and the different organizations...

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Last 4 Days Before the Big Event of May!

Only 4 more days to go! The Call to Action: "HIV is EVERYBODY'S Concern", the theme of the National HIV Testing Week 2015 and the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Philippines 2015 is only 4 days away! The culminating event will be held on May 17, 2015 with FREE registration starting at 2pm at the Liwasang Aurora, Quezon Memorial Circle, Quezon City, Philippines. The Project Red Ribbon (TRR), the communications partner of the Department...

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Take the FREE HIV Test Now

The Project Red Ribbon has a complete listing of the HIV Testing Centers NATIONWIDE. Please call the Hotline Numbers to know the HIV Test Clinics nearest you. ...

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

National HIV Testing Week and International AIDS Candlelight Memorial 2015 Formal Launch

Today, May 6, 2015, the Department of Health (DOH) will formally launch the National HIV Testing Week and the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial 2015 at the Press Conference Room of the DOH in DOH Compound in Tayuman, Manila at 11am. The first National HIV Testing Week has been approved in February 2015 under a department order by Health Secretary Janette P. Garin. Underscoring the importance of this program, the health secretary said....

Saturday, May 2, 2015


The official TRR-DOH Poster is out. The outstretched arm and clenched fist signify solidarity to rally against the spread of HIV in the Philippines. The cases of HIV and deaths because of AIDS are STILL increasing and this is a CALL for action for the entire Philippines. We can't deal with HIV with just talking. We can't deal with HIV with all these meetings which are slow in making an impact.We can't educate everyone with just a few HIV talks,...