The official blog of The Project Red Ribbon Care Management Foundation, Inc. (TRR).


    As part of awareness and education program, the foundation organizes its own national events to coincide with the international AIDS events: World AIDS Day and International AIDS Candlelight Memorial


    TRR Love Fund is the arm of the foundation which provides medical assistance to the financially challenged PLHIV.

  • Care assistance for HIV Test

    The Care Assistant Program involves assistance to HIV testing and HIV and AIDS Treatment hubs in the Philippines. Our volunteers schedule the client to the clinic or hub, assist with the procedure in the clinic or hub and conduct peer counseling


    With the TRR Hotline Numbers, our volunteers answer concerns and inquiries about HIV and AIDS, do counselling, refers clients to nearest HIV Testing facility, HIV and AIDS Treatment Hub and government and NGO organizations for support


    The foundation volunteers conduct one-on-one counseling either on the phone or in person. They also conduct group counseling


    The support group talk (SGT) is a program that involves giving HIV lectures by guest speakers, discuss topics about HIV, care, treatment and support, discussion issues related to HIV


    The foundation's outreach program is geared towards providing support to our fellow PLHIV's in the HIV and AIDS Treatment Hubs. Volunteers hand out of donations of medicines and special gifts to PLHIV, give inspirational talks by invited guests to a group of PLHIV, bonding over snacks or meal, visit the sick who are confined in the hospital

  • Referral System

    As part of treatment, the foundation's referral program involves our volunteers referring clients to specialized doctors who are HIV friendly. The foundation has it's own list of specialty doctors of low cost for the indigent PLHIV.

  • Online Support Group

    The foundation has a private Online Support Group in facebook. This group of advocates, supporters, counselors, health Workers and PLHIV

  • Home Health

    Aside from client counselling, the foundation volunteers also do family counselling and home visitation for awareness and continuance of care.

  • Health Fitness

    The foundation believes in holistic approach to treatment and care, thus inclusion of these programs: yoga, dance, swimming, jogging and running, boot camp workouts


    As part of awareness and education program, the foundation organizes its own national events to coincide with the international AIDS events: World AIDS Day and International AIDS Candlelight Memorial


    TRR Love Fund is the arm of the foundation which provides medical assistance to the financially challenged PLHIV.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Story of Hope

My blog is my notebook. It's just a collection of all the researches I made about HIV/AIDS especially here in the Philippines. Its a collage.. I put bits and pieces of everything about my disease. At first, it was a diary for me to reflect on, a journal for me to spill out all my emotions. Lately it has become a venue for other people to interact with me, a channel where I can assist other people with their struggles. I met Miguel through my blog last week. He sent a message through my email. He was depressed and scared because he just found...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Its OK to Talk

I have HIV. I have AIDS. I had opportunistic infections. I was confined. I am on ARV's. I belong to an HIV hub. I was confused. I was scared. I felt hopeless. I was at the bottom of the well. I know what you're going through now. I've been there. I am here. It's ok to reach out. It's ok to talk. I am here to listen. email me at or send a twit to @pozziepinoy FOR TOPIC SUGGESTIONS, please email me at DONATE to The Love Fund : The Love Fund ...

Yoga For Life

I am an advocate of fitness and I know healing of the mind and spirit heals the body too. Once the mind is free of stress and negative thoughts, it frees us to eternal positivity.  FOR TOPIC SUGGESTIONS, please email me at DONATE to The Love Fund : The Love Fu...

HIV Stops With Me!


Being Positive

I know I will get well soon. That is my attitude. I don't care how fast, but I know I will get there and I will get well. I have a lifetime to wait. But while I am waiting, I need to help myself. I need to strengthen my immune system. I need to do my part in helping to heal myself. My weight has gone up to 170 pounds. Everybody's noticing it. Everybody's saying I am fat. I don't care. Here in the country if you're fat it is almost equivalent to being healthy. Well, not to me. If only they know why I wanted to gain weight. It's because of the...

PhilHealth Application Form

I copied this from the PhilHealth website (PhilHealth) for all the non member pozzies. The hubs might require you to have one upon enrollment. Also, try to become a member now because by the end of next year, all ARV's and other medicines will be under PhilHealth. I have heard from some people living with HIV/AIDS that it's harder to be discreet and to ask for their PhilHealth request signed in their company. Usually their HR...


When I was confined in the hospital, almost 3 months ago, Tag and I got my own infectious disease (ID) doctor. She was the one who guided me on what to do, what lab tests to take and which hub to go to. When I was ready for my ARV's, she just gave me a prescription addressed to another ID in a hub to give me the ARV's that I need. Once I was taking my ARV's I still had frequent consultations with my ID doctor. The question boils down to this. If you can afford to have your own doctors, is it possible to have them? The answer is yes! I have...

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Things To Do While Waiting

So ok, you are screened and the doctor said that the result has been sent somewhere for confirmation. What is your next step? You went to an HIV hub and they said that you need to undergo the required tests. While waiting for the result of these tests, what will you do? You are still treating an existing OI and still not on ARV's because the doctor said you have to wait for your OI to be resolved. So What will you do? These waiting periods are mind boggling..  they keep you mind from resting... it keeps your body from healing. So what...

Health Journal

The best way to track your progress is by writing on a health journal on a daily basis. After I got discharged from the hospital, I made it a point to recall all the things that happened to me and summarized them and wrote down in my journal --- from the meds, the symptoms I felt, the lab tests given and the consultation. It made it easy to recall everything especially during my doctor's appointments. As soon as I started with my ARV's, I also wrote down the my body weight, my ARV's and the days I've been in it. I put a check if I was able to...

Not A Death Sentence!


How To Stay Positive!

Two days ago, Miguel (not his real name) who just found out that he is positive messaged me. He told me that he felt hopeless, that he wanted to end it all. He hasn't told anybody yet including his family. He was really down. I started communicating with him through text, giving him positive ideas, giving him hope. He was responsive. I answered all his questions about medicines, about the treatment, about the use of PhilHealth. I gave directions to the hubs. I answered all his queries. I listened to him. I told him that everything will be alright...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Power of Helping Others

Today was a busy day for me. I was assisting a newly diagnosed person to find his hub. Let's call him Jose.  This guy has been battling with his OI's when he first emailed me a week ago. I was already answering all his queries about treatment, hubs and lab exams. I was already assuring him that everything will be alright while he was waiting for his chest x ray result. I told him that he needs to just focus on his health and not worry about anything. I told Jose 2 days ago to go to RITM in Alabang because I already know people there and...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Help By Praying

A new poz is struggling today. He is battling with OI's and it's his first time to go to a hub tomorrow. Can I ask for a prayer for him, even just for tonight?? Thank you. P.S. For the 3 people who I consulted with earlier today, thank you. We surpassed our initial struggle .. in getting to the hub, in getting our medicines. Now it's our turn to help those who are confused and who are right now scared ... FOR TOPIC SUGGESTIONS, please email me at DONATE to The Love Fund : The Love Fu...

HIV Stops With Me!


Watch Out: It's the Cold Season Now!

Some of the pozzies that I got to know from this blog and in tweeter, are currently sick. They caught the dreaded cold. Some are down with fever, some with cough. I believe that this is the last colds and flu season of the year. Most say that it is caused by the changing weather... the weather now in the country is getting cold as the wind from the northern hemisphere is blowing down here to the tropics. Colds and flu are communicable diseases. They are easily transmitted mostly by hand to nose or mouth contact, by air and from contact from person...

The "Magic Pills"

Five of my readers emailed me asking how big the pills are. I told them that the only pill that is big is the efavirenz (colored brown in the picture). Tenofovir is the same as biogesic in size (blue pill) and the lamivudine are the white small pills. I took a picture of the pills in relation to our coins. I call them my "magic pills". I know they are doing their magic in my body right now. I take them all at the same time, at exactly 10pm. So...

History of Side Effects

Today is my 43rd day and almost 6 weeks of taking ARV's. For those who are interested in knowing what the side effects of the ARV's to me, let me share with you what I have experienced taking them. I want to be transparent about this because I want people with HIV/AIDS to get a grip of what most of us are experiencing. Day 1: Asymptomatic Day 2: Dizziness upon waking up most probably due to efavirenz. Day 3: Had a bad dream, woke up at 1am. Woke up dizzy but less than before Day 4: Asymptomatic Day 8: Chills Day 9: Chills, low grade fever, headache Day...

Got Worried

I felt I was catching a cold yesterday. I was sniffing. I got worried. With my weak immune system, I can't get sick. I really can't. I've been avoiding going out to crowded places. I've been careful with handling raw meat. I've been cleaning our place the whole time. I've been spraying alcohol all over our place. I'm doing my part. So how come I didn't feel good yesterday. I guess, I didn't get enough sleep from the previous nights. Maybe I was just tired yesterday. I know I took a nap in the afternoon and when I woke up I felt the chill. I...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Boost Your Immune System


Time To Share Your Story

I find peace and solace in reading stories of pozzies. They give me strength. I feel I am not alone. I feel their pain and struggles as I feel mine. I see them and find happiness in their accomplishments. You too can help other pozzies to find peace. Start sharing your stories. Let us feel you and in doing so we can feel ourselves. Share you struggles so we can feel that we are not alone with our own struggles. If you want to share your story, email me at . Let's all learn and experience this, togeth...

Answers To Questions

A newly diagnosed poz asked me what are his next steps. He is from the province, still battling pneumonia and has a low CD4 count. I am no expert but i'm sharing what I know based on my experience. Which hub to go to? My first hub was UP PGH-SAGIP but I recommended RITM-ARG in Alabang where I go to now for my medicines. In my opinion, first, it is cleaner, organized and you won’t feel that you’re in a hospital. Second the staff are friendly and accommodating. Third a staff will approach you and talk to you about PhilHealth, it’s benefits...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

You Decide

I bumped into this video. Now, you decide.... ...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

LAB: The Love Yourself Project

When I got diagnosed, Tag and I became advocates of post care of persons with HIV/AIDS. We believe that there are already organizations focused on prevention so when I read in the website of The Love Yourself Project (TLY) that they have a program wherein they will give financial assistance to newly diagnosed persons with HIV/AIDSI emailed them last November 9: Greetings! I'm xxxx and I am an AIDS patient since September of this year. I applaud your cause of helping the newly diagnosed HIV positive patients here in the country. It really...

Dry Skin

Two days ago, I started to use a body moisturizing lotion. Like what I said before, my body sometimes itch, with no rash. I read about it and articles said just use a moisturizer. I tried it and it seems like it is working! So I suppose I have dry skin? I guess so. I also itch when I am under the sun or when I am hot, so I'll make sure to reapply the lotion. Dry skin is one of the minimal side effects of the ARV's. I had chapped lips before and I just used my chapstick for that, and it worked. Now, I guess my skin is drying up even though I've...

My Doctor Didn't Show Up!

I was in the National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI) in QC at 8am. I called a week ago and the secretary said just come in early so I can be the first to be attended to. The Doctor's Clinics Building was behind the main building and after showing my ID to the guard, I went up. The building was clean though, and hallways were not crowded. I seated myself by an empty row of chairs while facing all the patients who were waiting. There was a guy wearing a mask with no seat mates. In front of him, the seats were full. Were they scared of...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Let's Recap

It's my 41st day of taking ARV's. People who are reading my blog are asking how I am and how am I dealing with my medicines. So, for those who are just starting to read my blog, let's recap the events that happened to me. Here is my brief medical history: Sept 1: Diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia, admitted to the hospital Sept 3: Diagnosed as HIV positive Sept 6: CD4 count was 73; positive pneumocistiis pneumonia (PCP); diagnosed to have AIDS Sept 8: Cleared of pneumonia Sept 9: Was discharged from hospital Sept 10-27: On cotrimoxazole, azithromycin...

HIV Stops With Me!


Questions for my Doctor

Tomorrow I will have a consultation with my doctor, Dr. D. I want to do it on a monthly basis, whether sick or not. Treatment is a partnership and I want to report to her my condition on a regular basis. I already took my ALT test yesterday, but somehow I forgot to get my regular CBC. Anyway, my ALT seemed to be the priority last time I saw her. Good thing, it was great news to tell her. Whenever we go and seek consult, I always prepare a set of questions for my doctors in my iPad. I want to be informed. I just need to be educated. I feel that...

Just Don't Get Sick!!!

I read it somewhere that colds and flu can make your HIV multiply at a faster pace. I researched it again after a friend of mine who is a pozzie too said he has cough. I found this from an article: Every time your body has to crank up your immune system to fight an infection, the HIV living inside the immune cells gets cranked up, too. “HIV replicates most effectively within immune-competent cells when these cells are activated,” says Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the U.S. National...

Im Getting Fat.. and Happy!

Stepping on our Detecto weighing scale, I was shocked that I am already 167 pounds. That is 27 pounds two and a half months ago when I got confined in the hospital. Despite of my belly getting big and the fullness of my face, I feel good. At least I look healthy and I don't look thin. It started when I got scared that the virus will make me thin. It came from my friend whom we revealed my status to when I was in the hospital. When I came out, the first thing that she asked was if I was getting thin. I said, I gained a few pounds more. Then...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Latest ALT

We had a candle light dinner tonight. Tag prepared it while I was taking a shower. We ordered CPK for dinner and he surprised me with all the preparations on the table. Sweet! We just got home from hospital and got my ALT result. I promised Tag I won't read the result and he will be the first one to see it. When I handed it to him, he asked me if I want to know. Of course I wanted to so he said it was 450! I was quiet, then he suddenly smiled and said that it was down to 110! Yey. After 3 weeks of taking my ARV's it went down from 328! It is...

Friday, November 11, 2011

Need To Talk??

I have AIDS. I am HIV positive. I understand your predicament. I understand your burden. I know you're hurting. I know you're confused. I am here. If you want to correspond just email me.  or follow me at pozziepinoy @tweeter. Everything is confidential. I am here to listen to you... IT'S OK TO TALK! FOR TOPIC SUGGESTIONS, please email me at DONATE to The Love Fund : The Love Fund ...

I'm Proud of You!

A fellow pozzie who reads my blog regularly just told his partner about his HIV status. I've been advising him to tell him the truth but weeks ago, he was sacred of rejection. He was scared of the consequences of his revelation of his disease to him. He was basically not ready because he loves the guy so much and he was scared to lose him. But today, he told him. And I'm proud of him. I'm proud of YOU! Sometimes it really is hard to disclose something as serious as our disease. But it really helps if we know who and how strong our support...

HIV in the Philippines
