The official blog of The Project Red Ribbon Care Management Foundation, Inc. (TRR).


    As part of awareness and education program, the foundation organizes its own national events to coincide with the international AIDS events: World AIDS Day and International AIDS Candlelight Memorial


    TRR Love Fund is the arm of the foundation which provides medical assistance to the financially challenged PLHIV.

  • Care assistance for HIV Test

    The Care Assistant Program involves assistance to HIV testing and HIV and AIDS Treatment hubs in the Philippines. Our volunteers schedule the client to the clinic or hub, assist with the procedure in the clinic or hub and conduct peer counseling


    With the TRR Hotline Numbers, our volunteers answer concerns and inquiries about HIV and AIDS, do counselling, refers clients to nearest HIV Testing facility, HIV and AIDS Treatment Hub and government and NGO organizations for support


    The foundation volunteers conduct one-on-one counseling either on the phone or in person. They also conduct group counseling


    The support group talk (SGT) is a program that involves giving HIV lectures by guest speakers, discuss topics about HIV, care, treatment and support, discussion issues related to HIV


    The foundation's outreach program is geared towards providing support to our fellow PLHIV's in the HIV and AIDS Treatment Hubs. Volunteers hand out of donations of medicines and special gifts to PLHIV, give inspirational talks by invited guests to a group of PLHIV, bonding over snacks or meal, visit the sick who are confined in the hospital

  • Referral System

    As part of treatment, the foundation's referral program involves our volunteers referring clients to specialized doctors who are HIV friendly. The foundation has it's own list of specialty doctors of low cost for the indigent PLHIV.

  • Online Support Group

    The foundation has a private Online Support Group in facebook. This group of advocates, supporters, counselors, health Workers and PLHIV

  • Home Health

    Aside from client counselling, the foundation volunteers also do family counselling and home visitation for awareness and continuance of care.

  • Health Fitness

    The foundation believes in holistic approach to treatment and care, thus inclusion of these programs: yoga, dance, swimming, jogging and running, boot camp workouts


    As part of awareness and education program, the foundation organizes its own national events to coincide with the international AIDS events: World AIDS Day and International AIDS Candlelight Memorial


    TRR Love Fund is the arm of the foundation which provides medical assistance to the financially challenged PLHIV.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Email 53: Scared About HIV

Hi Pozziepinoy,  Ako yung sa blog mo who is seekng help, diagnosed just yesterday. gulong gulo ako. d ko alam gagawin sobra. im paranoid that ths s d end for me. I have friend in whch i saw how aids progrsd until he died. hndi xa nagpatest until grabe na xa. ako for cnfrmatory pa sabi ng clinic. im shockd kasi kailangan lng magpamedcl for my work and then ito ung result. i nid ur help, how would i manage ths. im just 26 and i dnt want...

Grape Seed Extract and HIV

There are a lot of people suggesting grape seed extract for "taming" HIV infection. I asked Dr. Ditangco about this, one time during my consultation and she said that there are no proven facts to support this. So instead of believing what I've been hearing from fellow pozzies, I opted to believe my good doctor instead. Recently, I came across an article about the effects of grape seed extract so I further investigated it.&nbs...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Questionnaire Answered

Screen Name: Pozzie Pinoy Sex: M Location: Manila Work: Works in a Local Bank Questions 1. When did you found out that you have the infection? What was your initial reaction? I got tested when I got confined in the hospital for pneumonia. It was the second time that year, when I had pneumonia so the day after I got confined in the hospital, my doctor politely asked me if I want to have an HIV test.&nbs...

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Magic of Life

Everyone thinks that when one gets sick from an incurable disease, it becomes the end of the world for them. At the start, a lot would feel  the agony of hopelessness, the despair that everything is crumbling right in front of their eyes, that dreams have been shattered and life has been wasted...

Email 52: MMK (ABS-CBN Channel 2) Invitation

Calling on all PLHIV's. Any PLHIV's out there with a good life story to tell, please email me at Also, if you know somebody who you think has a good story who can help in promoting awareness, let me know. ...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Selenium and HIV

I have heard about the supplement selenium a long time ago. I heard it can help in reducing HIV in the bloodstream. I remembered that I asked Dr. Ditangco about it and she said that there are no proven facts about this so I just dropped it. But recently I’ve been receiving emails about it and PLHIV’s want me to discuss about it and its effects on HIV. I researched about it. ...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Donation to The Love Fund

A person with a good heart just emailed me:...

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Email 51: An Optimistic PLHIV

Hi Pozziepinoy, I am also HIV positive.  I was diagnosed Jan 2011 after my immune went down and had TB.  I was referred to PGH SAGIP and was monitored by my doctors.  My CD4 count was 11 that time and my doctor was worried.  But thanks to her, I was able to regain my health and my CD4 count went up to 185.  I hope and pray that my previous test would be better than the last. ...

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Email 50: Looking for HIV Testing Center in the South

Dear Pozziepinoy, I was wondering if you could help me with the average cost of the medicines that an HIV positive person may come around to in the Philippines?  I would also like to ask if there are any discreet testing centers in the south metro area?  I can not go to the RITM and I would like to get the feedback quickly.  if I'm found to be negative, I would actually like to help.  Given the chance that I am not infected...

Friday, September 14, 2012

HIV in the Call Center Industry on Sharon: Kasama Mo, Kaibigan

In September 13, 2012, Humphrey Gorriceta and Wanggo Gallaga, two of the most prominent PLHIV's in the Philippines, once again guested in a TV show. They guested in Sharon: Kasama Mo, Kaibigan which was aired on TV5. The entire show during that afternoon was focused on the Call Center industry in the Philippines. In the segment about HIV, they had a good discussion on how the two acquired the virus and how they disclosed it to their families. They discussed about the call center industry and how workers in the industry are being challenged...

PP Prayer's List 10

I will be sending the PozziePinoy's Prayer List again to the heads of churches here in the country and in two church organizations in the United States this Friday evening. I have added new pozzies in twitter and I would like to add them have to this list. I also indicated a priority list for those who are in need of immediate prayer! Please email me fast or just ask for a name inclusion in the comment box if you want your name or...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The PhilHealth Form CF1 Dilemma

The PLHIV's who work for government and the private sectors in the Philippines are required to provide the PhilHealth Form CF1 every time they go back to the HIV/AIDS treatment hubs for their refill of ARV's, which is usually every 3 months. This is the form certifying that the employee is an active contributor of PhilHealth. This is a requirement under the Out-patient HIV/AIDS Treatment package (OHAT) of PhilHealth...

Email 49: Inquiry from Indonesia

Hi Pozzie (I don't know your real name), My name is XXX. I am managing a website in Indonesia. One guy e-mailed me and asked where he could access the ARV in Manila. Fyi, he is currently working in Indonesia and accessing free ARV here in Indonesia (From his email address, I assume he's a Filipino). I have emailed my friend in Manila to ask about this but he hasn't replied my email. ...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Emai 48: HIV and Pregnancy

Hi Pozziepinoy, I have come across your blog just today, and I am very thankful to have discovered and read through it. It gives a flick of hope to someone, who was recently been diagnosed to be HIV+.  I have a woman friend who is pregnant and she maybe HIV positive too...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Another HIV Discussion To Watch on TV

Please watch "Sharon: Kasama Mo Kapatid" TODAY, September 13, 2012 at 4:30pm on TV5. They will be tackling topics and issues in the call center industry and HIV. Wanggo and Humphrey will be two of her guests. There are a lot of issues concerning persons living with HIV(PLHIV) in a workplace environment in our country today. One issue is the current status of PLHIV's in the call center industry. It will be a very interesting discussion tomorrow...

"Extra Service" by Male Massage Therapists

In this time of rapidly increasing HIV and AIDS cases, we really don't know who has it, who is living with it. The symptoms of the disease can't be seen by scrutinizing one's appearance. Unfortunately in our society, where stigma on the disease is still strong, only by someone's disclosure can it be known. So basically HIV is like a "thief in the night". It can lurk on us if we are not being careful. If we don't protect ourselves, there is a great...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Pozziepinoy's Response To "Superman"

Hi Superman, Thank you for the long email. Thank you for reading my blog. I also appreciate that you allowed me to post your entire letter in my blog, and as promised I deleted the important information that are related to you to protect your identity....

RITM Satellite Clinic for HIV Testing

I’ve been asked a lot of times where the best place is to have an HIV Test and The RITM Satellite Clinic in Malate, Manila always pops out. Curious about it, I researched about the place and the services and these are the things that came out:...

Translation of "Superman's Letter"

Here's the Translation of Superman's Letter. With permission to post from the letter sender. Hi Pozziepinoy, I read you blog, LIVING with HIV / AIDS in the PHILIPPINES due to my curiosity, regarding the signs and symptoms of HIV / AIDS, because I'm having problems with my health now and I do not know what to do so I 'm doing my research on the net. By the way, I'm Superman, XXX years old and I'm living in XXX. I must admit I'm gay, but only a few people knows my sexuality. I can not tell my family yet, since my dad is a XXX and my family is...

Email 47 : Do I have HIV?

Note: Letter is in the original Tag-Lish format. I will post a summary of the letter and my response in my next post. The letter is with permission to post in my blog. Hi Pozziepinoy, Nabasa ko yung blog mo regarding LIVING with HIV/AIDS in the PHILIPPINES due to my curiosity regarding the signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS, I'm having problems kasi with my health now and I don't know what to do kaya I'm doing my research sa net. By the way, I'm...

Increasing HIV Cases and The Catholic Church

In the Philippines HIV AIDS advocates and the Catholic Church have become controversial in the past twenty years. The Catholic Church has been "blamed" for not responding to the Philippine HIV AIDS crisis or even trying to prevent the spread of AIDS due to its principled stand against wide scale condom distribution and the "condom solution" to HIV and AIDS. Recently, there were prominent religious leaders who have openly declared their opposition to the use of condoms for contraception or disease prevention even though a...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

HIV 101: HIV Anonymous in Iloilo

Awareness programs are everywhere. Before I was wondering if there are really programs about HIV and AIDS in the country side. I 've heard a lot of them here in Manila, until I met Jake. He is an HIV and AIDS advocate and his advocacy is on HIV awareness ...

Reaching Out to MSM Sites

According to the Philippines' Department of Health (DOH) and National Epidemiology Center (NEC)'s HIV/AIDS Registry, from 1984-2012, of the total 10,242 HIV cases reported, the main mode of transmission of the virus is sexual contact. From 1984-2006, the transmission was higher among heterosexuals however from 2007, there was a shift in the predominant trend of sexual transmission from heterosexual (20%) to men having sex with men or MSM (80%). In the survey, majority of the cases of HIV in the Philippines are coming from Metro Manila. ...

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Email 46: How To Improve the Immune System

Hi Pozziepinoy, Paano ko malalaman if nag iimprove na ang immune system ko aside from the test? Nag tatake na ko ng ARV's for almost a month. Paano ko mapapalakas pa ang immune system ko? Thanks po... (Translation: How would I know if my immune system is improving aside from the test? I am taking ARV's for almost a month now. How can I make my immune system stronger? Thanks po......

Philippines Impending AIDS Crisis

Health experts at the International AIDS Conference in Washington are discussing how best to stem the spread of the disease. One country not winning that war is the Philippines where ten new HIV infections are recorded each day, compared to just one a day, five years ago. The social stigma notwithstanding, a lack of funds could make the problem worse. Al Jazeera's Jamela Alindogan reports from Manila (courtesy of YouTube...

PLHIV of the Week: JAKE

I met Jake on tweeter a few months back. He is also a person living with HIV (PLHIV). He is an HIV advocate promoting HIV and AIDS awareness in his province of Iloilo. He is also planning his own HIV Anonymous in the province. He assists PLHIV's through emails in and out of the country. "Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."- Winston Churchill...

Friday, September 7, 2012

Email 45: About CD4 and Viral Load Test

Hi Pozziepinoy, Good afternoon!! I'm XXX. I have partner newly diagnose HIV positive while I'm HIV negative.  I have question. Kapag nakuha na po ba ang CD4 count kasama ba lagi ang viral count? Kasi mejo di gaano naexplain ng doctor siguro kasi madami kasi patient. RITM-ARG Alabang po kami pumunta. CD4 count is 77 then wait pa namin result sa sputum test 1week before magstart ng arv treatment. ...

Email 44: Late in Taking ARV's?

Dear Pozziepinoy, Almost a month na ko nag tatake ng ARV's ko. But there was a time na late yung pag inom ko ng ARV's ko.What I mean is I take my ARV's every (AVCOMB) 8am/8pm and  (EFAVIRENZ)10pm but may mga time na nakapag take ako ng  hindi sakto sa oras  especialy at night, natatakot lang ako baka di umipekto yung gamot. Please help me. ...

Day 338

Today is my 338th day of taking ARV's. I will be reaching my 1st anniversary of taking my anniversary in a few weeks and I am still counting. As a recap, I would like to tell all my readers about my second life as a person living with HIV...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Email 43: Where to Get FREE ARV's

"Hi Pozziepinoy,  Just got checked today for HIV test and I'm reactive... I just want to ask where can I get free ARV meds soon after my baseline exam and if by any chance I need to take them...thanks buddy..looking forward for your response... Message me at XXX....  God bless you....

Email 42 : Friend Asking for Medical Assistance

"Hi Pozziepinoy, Sir ask lang po sana ako ng tulong for my friend who has HIV baka po may alam kayo na pede sumuporta sa medications nya.naaawa po kasi ako sa kaibigan kasi hindi nya po masupport yung gamutan nya. (Translation: Sir, can I ask for help for my friend who has HIV. Maybe you know who/that can support him with his medications. I feel bad because my friend can't support his treatment)....

Email 41: HIV or AIDS Confusion

"Dear Pozziepinoy, I was diagnosed with hiv last june 2012 and by that time my dr. told me that my CD4 count is lower that 200.  As of this moment I take my ARV's every day as my doctor has prescribed. Gusto ko lng po malaman if tumaas ulit ang CD4 ko magiging HIV na ulit yung virus or still it's AIDS pa din since lower than 200 yung intial CD4 ko. I hope masagot nyo po ito natatakot lang po talaga ako since AIDS na po yung virus sa...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

FREE HIV Testing in Iloilo

HIV HAS NO SPECIFIC SIGNS and SYMPTOMS.   Within two to four weeks after exposure to HIV, a person might have flu-like symptoms such as fever, swollen glands, muscle aches, diarrhea, fatigue or rash.  In rare instances they may occur within a few days after the exposure has taken place. These symptoms usually go away after a week or two. Often, if they occur at all, they're so mild they're hardly noticeable, although for some people they are severe enough to warrant calling a doctor.  ...

My Letter to The Global Fund

There are lots of speculations about the Global Fund assistance to the Philippines with their existing HIV programs. It has been spreading around for quite sometime now that the GL will stop all its funding until December 2012 this year and from the last I heard from all my doctors and the staff of my HIV treatment hub, the Global Fund is indeed stopping and that the OHAT package of PhilHealth will take care of everything for all of us pozzies....

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Oops I Did It Again!

It was a spur of the moment thing. Tag yesterday afternoon just told me that we should go somewhere for a quick out of town trip. I didn't have work at that time so I told him OK. Tag called a hotel and booked us a room for the night while I packed our bags. In a few minutes we were already driving south of Manila. I texted my colleagues at work and told them that I won't be coming in the following da...

Sir Rolando's Story Part 2 & 3: Wish Ko Lang

Before watching Parts 2 & 3, please watch Part 1 first again: Wish Ko Lang: Sir Rolando's Story Part 1 ...

Monday, September 3, 2012

Survey from WHO Department of HIV/AIDS

Hi Pozziepinoy, I know that you've been touching and guiding so many lives with your blog, PLHIV or not. With that being said, may I ask for your help in circulating an online survey by the World Health Organization (WHO). It will be a great opportunity for young PLHIVs from our country to participate in this survey....

Directions To PGH-SAGIP

For those who are in Manila area, the Philippine General Hospital-STD/AIDS Guidance Intervention Prevention (PGH-SAGIP) Unit  is a an accessible HIV/AIDS Treatment Hub. It is located in Taft Avenue, Malate, Manila and is bounded by 3 main roads: Taft Avenue, Pedro Gil and Padre Faura Streets. The main facade of the hospital is facing Taft Avenue...

Sir Rolando's Story Part 1: Wish Ko Lang

Last September 1, 2012, Wish Ko Lang a show in GMA 7, featured a story about HIV. This is the story of Rolando P., 43 years old, who used to work as a professor in different universities in the Philippines. He loved his profession for two decades but was forced to end this chapter of his when he was diagnosed to have HIV...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

"Beggars Can't Be Choosers"

I've heard a lot of comments about ARV's in forums and in social networking sites here in the Philippines about our ARV's. A handful are asking why we are still taking 2-4 pills of ARV's in our cocktail when there are already options in the rest of the world for just a one pill ARV. A lot are asking when is the time coming when we will take only one pill a day so that we won't have a hard time swallowing all our current cocktail drugs. A lot are...

All About Tenofovir

A lot of PLHIV’s when I say that I am taking tenofovir, would comment that I should take a lot of water everyday when taking it to minimize its side effects. My doctor never told me anything about it before so I made my research instead....

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Email 41: Choosing the Best Hub

"Hi Pozziepinoy, I and my bf got really inspired by your blog. I brought him here with me in XXX unfortunately he had to go back home because he was diagnosed with HIV Ag/Ab. Pozziepinoy, my bf really feels so down which I know is normal as for he is new to this worl...