Email 677: Don't Think Anymore!
Posted by Pozziepinoy on 6:01 AM

I was up the other night searching for HIV related posts at Google then I encountered your blog. Since you answer their questions, I thought you might answer mine as well.
Hi Isoprinosine.
Thank you for your email. I am glad you found the blog.
It is really hard to take t HIV test. It is hard to accept the fact that you may have been exposed to virus. However, it is the only way for you to find out if you indeed have been infected or not. I know that you are scared but since you have previous unprotected sex, then just don't think anymore and do it. It is a win-win situation If you are negative then enjoy your life. If you are positive, then you start working on your health and still live your life. At least you will know and you will have peace of mind.
Please don't think anymore and just take the test, NOW. We can assist you. Click the link below for our Care Assistance Program for HIV Testing:
I hope I was able to answer your concerns. Feel free to email me again if you have other questions.
Stay healthy,
NO PLHIV is alone with his or her struggle with HIV!"
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Tags: HIV Manila, HIV Philippines, AIDS Manila, AIDS Philippines, HIV/AIDS Manila, HIV/AIDS Philippines