Email 709: Looking for Support and Guidance
Posted by Pozziepinoy on 9:59 PM

I've been looking for any bloggers who have the same experience, and i try to read some positive stories so i could feel less burdened about it.
I love my brother so much . he was the one who took care of us since we were kids. We are 6 and he's the only son. that's why we love him dearly . It's just this week that he has his check up and was told that he does actually have gonorrhea. i was saddened about it. i know a little about this HIV or STD only to some people that I've watched on TV and shared what they went through.
My brother is a musician , a vocalist and a guitarist. He is the only one in our family who benefits from his passion . He always helps us financially although he may have been a little naughty of dealing with girls he meets, but we just accept it. we never fail to tell him what not to do with girls. given that he has 5 sisters.
I don't really know what to do right now. what kind of help that i could give for him. what kind of support.. So maybe i just need a little boost from you? .. i know that you know what to do or say .. i desperately need your help.. :(
Thank you for your email.
This blog was created to answer all concerns about HIV, to give guidance and support and to help others with their struggles with HIV. This also has become the main blog of The Red Ribbon, an organization that provides support to all PLHIV's. The group has an online support group in facebook; a Care Assistance Program (CAP) that assists people for HIV testing and the PLHIV for guidance in treatment and wellness; a support group that meets once a month (for now), and an outreach program that provides inspiration to the a group of PLHIV's in the HIV/AIDS treatment hubs.
I really don't know what kind of help we can provide your brother, but please do tell him to call our HIV Hotline at: 0916-286-2066.
I hope I was able to answer your concerns. Feel free to email me again if you have other questions.
Stay healthy,
NO PLHIV is alone with his or her struggle with HIV!"
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Tags: HIV Manila, HIV Philippines, AIDS Manila, AIDS Philippines, HIV/AIDS Manila, HIV/AIDS Philippines