Email 723: Wants to Join the Support Group
Posted by Pozziepinoy on 6:47 PM

Hi Mark.
Thank you for your email. Thank you for the kind words that you wrote in the blog. As much as I can, I try to answer all questions being addressed to me, to give insight, share information and wisdom which I have gained for the past 2 years of my HIV journey, coming from my experience, from the different doctors and staff of Hubs and from other PLHIV's.
We will be posting the schedule of the next Support Group Talk as soon as possible for anyone who is interested to join.
For now, we have an Online Support Group in Facebook. It is a private group. You can check the link below on how to join the group:
I hope I was able to answer your concerns. Feel free to email me again if you have other questions.
Stay healthy,
NO PLHIV is alone with his or her struggle with HIV!"
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Tags: HIV Manila, HIV Philippines, AIDS Manila, AIDS Philippines, HIV/AIDS Manila, HIV/AIDS Philippines