Stupid Myths

Posted by Pozziepinoy on 8:22 AM
Tag came home and told me this story yesterday. He said, his coworker came to him and warned him to be careful in drinking Pepsi because word is spreading around his company that an HIV worker in the Pepsi factory is dropping his infected blood in the soda. Tag just laughed because it was just stupid. I told him, that what is more stupid is that people are spreading it, believing in it and getting scared even in his company of educated people.

So what's the impact of this? People are still unaware of the facts.. on how HIV can be transmitted. People still believe on myths. Are we  back to the hand-shake scare or the sneeze scare of transmission of the disease? Are people blind and deaf to the awareness programs and all the information being disseminated around the world? Are people unaware that because of their stupidity, of the fact that having this "Pepsi Scare", they are already contributing to the strong stigma attached to the HIV/AIDS. How can people living with the disease fully heal when talks like these scare people away? How can our families and friends who are close to us even talk about our struggles and achievements in fighting the disease when the community is scared and is still believing in myths?

Let's stop this stupidity and start believing in the facts. Stop spreading this Pepsi-scare nonsense and instead start spreading more knowledge about HIV/AIDS.

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