This is for YOU!

Posted by Pozziepinoy on 7:20 AM

It is your first time to take your ARV's. Your journey will just commence. Your life will change for the better.

Scared? Don't be! Always remember that your ARV's are the way for your immune system to rebound back to almost normal levels. Be glad then!

Here are some tips that might be useful for you:

1. Believe in the ARV's. Believe in your heart that your immune system will be stronger when you take them.

2. Proper scheduling is important. Try not to miss or skip an intake whether you are at home or somewhere else.

3. Have an alarm system to remind you of your scheduled intake. Use your phone alarm, your night stand alarm, and your watch alarm so you will always be reminded of the time.

4. Prepare your cocktail of ARV's in a pillbox for the entire week or for a month so you are not rushed in getting them from their separate bottles. Have a small pill container whenever you are going to be out for a movie, party, a trip, etc.

5. Think of your meds as vitamins so you won't be scared.

6. Always be watchful for side effects. The initial one month is crucial.

7. Have a logbook or a small notebook so you can write on it about what you are feeling or what you are noticing during the day. This is so important so it is easy to report all the signs and symptoms and the dates they occur during your consultation with your doctor.

8. Follow what your doctor tells you. Before changing schedules, ask your doctor's permission first.

9. Take them with a glass full of water.

10. Clarify to your doctor when to actually take them: should they be taken with or without food, etc.

11. When travelling make sure to put your ARV's in separate luggages in case you lose one luggage. Bring one batch on your carry on luggage.

Good luck. I know you can do it! Your new life is about to start!
