No Side Effects Yet

Posted by Pozziepinoy on 9:43 PM
I've been taking 3 medicines:  tenofovir, lamivudine and efavirenz. The doctor from the hub said I can tolerate the first two meds. The latter though is scary. He said I might have a feeling of taking marijuana, might have vivid nightmares or might lose fat in my legs, arms and face. I really don't care cuz I just want to live. Of course, I hope I won't have those side effects. Knock on wood. Well, ever since I tolerate medicines pretty well.

It's been my 5th day of taking my meds and so far I don't experience any side effects. Good or bad news, I was told my Dr. T that I would tell her and she was happy about it when I texted her. I'm researching now about CD4 and viral load. Ted and I want to get them for baseline. When I got my 1st CD4, I was on my deathbed according to Dr. T. Now that I am well, I wanna know what my CD4 level really is. I went online again and found out that RITM offers both tests. Viral Load test costs Php 7,500 while CD4 test is Php2,500. Might as well get them where they are cheap. On Friday, I will be getting my blood tests again. This will reveal what the ARV's are doing to my liver and kidneys. I wish everything would be normal so I can breath and not think of changing either meds or dosage of meds.

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