My HIV Test Experience

Posted by Pozziepinoy on 2:29 PM
Hi there! Great blog you have. You inspired and help people by this.

Just want to share my story . When I'm at 22 Ive encountered sex with a girl without knowing who she really is and it happened once. After a week i had a discharged so i went to a clinic then do the std testing and found out i had a gonorrhea. I was so anxious
because what if she had also HIV, i researched what are the symptoms of HIV the time passed by most of symptoms i suffered like flu, diarrhea, back pain, swollen lymph nodes and fatigue.

Due to this i was so afraid to know the truth i didn't tell to anyone and didn't go to any testing center. I resigned to my work, i cant sleep at night, i cried all the time and wanted to commit suicide. This anxiety killing me and then on the way i had a girlfriend, she didn't know about my story until it came to a point that i should tell her because i care bout our relationship.

She pushed me to go to makati med for the hiv testing. I was so nervous, and filling up the form was so difficult and the nurse ask me if when was the last time i encountered sex, and
i said, 2 years ago.  Then after a couple of days here comes the judgement. And I was HIV non-reactive at first i didnt know the term non reactive, so i ask the nurse if whats the meaning of this then she says HIV Negative, Whooah, I cant believe it, i waste my 2 years just living that i had an hiv infection,and all the symptoms I suffered gone, maybe its more of a psychological. Im very weak when it comes to handling problems it take a long while ive wasted a lot of opportunities. But right now i rebuilding my career and taking care of my  

Lesson learned.

If you have something on your health go to a doctor just please don't rely on internet it only gave  anxiety. Be brave enough to face your consequences. Cherish life / HIV awareness.

I was so impressed by this blog because you were very brave and inspiring people who had this illness. This is illness is not the end but its a start of a new life. Always be strong!! Thanks


NO PLHIV is alone with his or her struggle with HIV!"


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