Questions for my Doctor

Posted by Pozziepinoy on 9:17 AM
Tomorrow I will have a consultation with my doctor, Dr. D. I want to do it on a monthly basis, whether sick or not. Treatment is a partnership and I want to report to her my condition on a regular basis. I already took my ALT test yesterday, but somehow I forgot to get my regular CBC. Anyway, my ALT seemed to be the priority last time I saw her. Good thing, it was great news to tell her.

Whenever we go and seek consult, I always prepare a set of questions for my doctors in my iPad. I want to be informed. I just need to be educated. I feel that I am doing my part. Also I want my doctor to see that I am cooperating and that my health is a big deal for me.

So here's my list of questions for my doctor tomorrow:

1. The cotrimoxazole and azithromycin are for the treatment and prevention of PCP, MAC and toxoplasmosis. Will I stop taking them once my CD4 level goes up? What is the cut off level? I read that if my CD4 level goes up to 250, I can stop them.

2. What OI's or infections can halt or stop my ARV treatment?

3. Will I be needing vaccinations to prevent infection? What CD4 level do I have to be on to get the vaccinations?

4. Are my vitamins ok? I'm taking multivitamins, Vit C and E and fish oil even before I got sick.

5. Who will I call when you go out of town or country?

6. I sometimes have itchiness with no rashes, most often when I am in a hot  environment or under the sun. Will they disappear? Are they from my ARV's or my prophylaxis?

7. I work as a _______. When do you think I can get back to work? Is it safe for me to work there or will I have to wait awhile just to be safe?

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