Email 7: Accuracy of Tests

Posted by Pozziepinoy on 8:19 AM
I received another email and I feel I need to post this so others can learn from his/her situation and from the comments that I can give. To paranoid freak, I hope you don't mind. I also deleted some personal information to cover your identity.

"I am from XXX, not a pozzie but i really feel that I already have acquired the disease after experiencing almost 3 months of low grade fever 37.3-37.5 c, after the long bout with the fever, I had dry mouth all the time, burning sensation in both hands/arms and feet, 2 attacks of hives/urticarial rash which lasted for 4-5 days and a feeling of always tired which i am still experiencing until now. I have had 2 rapid tests in a government hospital in our place at 2 moths and 3 months post exposure but i was a bit doubtful of the accuracy of the result and the test itself. I am quite far from treatment hubs and hygiene clinic which offers confidential testing and so i still wasn't able to test again in a facility which I can be assured of the result's accuracy.  I also have done several tests for diabetes , thyroid problems, electrolyte imbalance and all are normal. I am really have become worried since some symptoms I have appears only in the late stage of the disease. Reading blogs like yours gives me a little relief and a spark of hope no matter how bleak it is at times.

Since having all those symptoms, I started reading blogs of pozzies and I have become an avid reader of your blog posts. I always check it everyday to see if you have written a new post. I have been inspired by the positive atmosphere there is in your every write-up. No matter how difficult the situation seems, you always bring in positivity in the midst of what others might perceive as disaster or misfortunes. I salute you for being so brave and strong despite having the virus and for making an initiative to help other pozzies who are financially in need. I was moved by the prayer request you just posted for all pozzies you know. I will help praying for everyone to have a healthy, long and productive life.  I hope you continue to inspire others to live and continue living!

Please pray for me and the others like me who are worried and anxious and have been continuously suffering from annoying symptoms. 

May God bless us all always!"

Hi Paranoid Freak. Thanks for your email to me. Let me start by saying that I am proud that you are proactive about your health. I am proud that you have taken the test. It really takes a lot of courage for a person to really do it, especially from your place. So I salute you.

Let us take this step by step.

First, about your symptoms, I think it is best for you to consult a doctor. In our case, we go to an Infectious Disease doctor (ID). They are the ones who are specialized in handling all the cases of HIV/AIDS here in the country. With the guidance of your doctor, it will be easier for you to be given guidance on what you should do and what you should be taking note of when it comes to your health. He or she will also guide you with the proper HIV tests just to calm down your nerves. Don't worry, there is always a doctor-patient confidentiality. My friend, look at the bright side. Look at it from a different perspective. Basically, you have normal results both for the HIV test and your lab workout. So for me you are already so blessed.

Second, about the accuracy of the rapid HIV test. I feel that you are are still doubtful, however you don't have to go to the hubs to do the rapid test. Both government and private hospitals have the same equipments and tools to do the rapid test. However, if you are still doubtful, get another one in a different private hospital, but with your two previous negative results, I will pray that the next one will still be negative. My previous doctor advised my partner to immediately take the test when I turned out positive, then 3 months after again. Good thing his results were negative. He will be taking the test again this month, which is 6 months after. I've been texting a girl with the same situation as you and I advised her that to be sure, to take another test. I will also ask my doctor, Dr. Ditangco if she can recommend a hospital in your area that you can go to to take the test, well just to be sure, if it would help in calming down your nerves. Although you had previous symptoms, still the ultimate initial test for HIV is the rapid test. I think that you already know this, that if the test turns out positive there, it will be sent to Manila for confirmation with the ELISA or Western Blot Test which will take 2-3 weeks.

For now, what you can do is to take care of your body like what I advice to all my friends, non-poz or poz alike. It is unfair for our bodies to be invaded by any infection all because of our carelessness. 

Third, I want to thank you for reading my entries. The purpose of my blog is really to educate others while I educate myself. I want to be serious all the time because HIV/AIDS is a serious subject matter. I want to be direct with my answers and if I am doubtful, I research first or I ask my doctor. I want to have a positive atmosphere in all my entries because, once you trust your doctors, when you believe in your medicines and ARV's, your life will go back to normalcy again. So why the need for pessimism.

Thank you too for praying for all the poz that I've encountered. I know that if they know you, they would thank you too. I'll also add you to the PozziePinoy's Prayer list on my next entry.

Life is now becoming more fruitful and having AIDS for me is turning out to be a blessing. I am healthy now but my experience and the wisdom that I gained from it is tremendous that I want to help enlighten others and encourage other poz that there is life ahead despite of the disease. My mission in life is now expanding. I want to help more. I just hope I will be able to do it. But with people around who cares, I know I will be able to, no matter what.

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