Email 202: Meaning of Numbers

Posted by Pozziepinoy on 8:51 AM
Hi Pozziepinoy.

I was scheduled to go back in friday after i received my CD4 results...And i am a little bit worried...Can you help me interpret this result?

Cd4+[cells/ul] = 76
cd8 = N/a
cd4% of lymphocytes = 4.13%

 Please?  thanks.




Thank you for your email and for reading this blog.

I can understand the fear and confusion you are feeling right now.  I felt that same way after my initial diagnosis and test results.  However, it is extremely important that you face the reality of your situation and return to see your HIV Medical Specialist as soon as scheduled.  They will need to asses whether you need to begin treatment for your HIV and/or any opportunistic infections and/or prophylaxis against them.  If you have missed an appointment, you must reschedule it as soon as possible.  This is why.

You have quoted two different numbers in relation to your CD4 levels.  The number of cells per microliter (uL) of blood and the percentage of lymphocytes (small white blood cells) that are CD4 cells.

Normal counts using the number of cells per microliter system are usually considered to be between 500 and 1600.  HIV infections are classified based on CD4 count and clinical symptoms.  The United States Centre for Disease Control uses the following classification system. 

Stage 1: CD4 count ≥ 500 cells/uL and no AIDS defining conditions.
Stage 2: CD4 count 200 to 500 cells/uL and no AIDS defining conditions.  
Stage 3: CD4 count ≤ 200 cells/uL or AIDS defining conditions.  This is the technical definition of AIDS using this system.  An HIV+ person with a CD4 of 76 fits here.  

A CD4% below 14% is considered to be a definition of AIDS.  An HIV+ person with a CD% 4.13% fits here.

Thus, using both systems, you fit the technical definition of a person with AIDS.

Stay healthy,

Malcolm Brown
International Contributor

NO PLHIV is alone with his or her struggle with HIV!"


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