Everything Will Be Alright!

Posted by Pozziepinoy on 7:26 AM

Everything will be alright.

I know you are scared. I know you are confused. However hard it may seem, the road has been paved for you. The path has been made so the only way that you can deal with it is by walking forward and following what others have done.

Everything will be alright.

Once you find out that you have HIV, you will feel that the world just crushed down on you. Why me? Why do I have to get it?  What will happen now? Those are questions that will flash right before you. You cry. You get depressed.

Everything will be alright.

Your family is there to support you. Your loved ones and friends will hug and put their arms around you. You need to reach out to people you care. There are people who have the same condition, who are willing to guide you with your new journey.

Everything will be alright.

HIV is a not death sentence anymore. You will live long but you have to follow what your doctors will tell you to do. You need to have a healthy lifestyle. You need to boost your immune system by eating the right kinds of food, by regular exercise and by getting enough rest and relaxation.

Everything will be alright.

HIV treatment is free and lab tests are either free or cheap and affordable. The treatment hubs offer free consultation and the staff are all professionals and non judgmental. 

Everything will be alright.

In the Philippines, you can still work even with HIV. HIV Test is not a prerequisite for employment. HIV is not a hindrance to employment. You can be whoever you want to be and still pursue your dreams.

Everything will be alright.

You only have one responsibility. To do whatever it takes to be healthy by following and believing what the doctors tell you to do, by believing in the ARV’s and by believing in yourself that no matter what, you alone can make your life happy and productive.

Everything will be alright!

NO PLHIV is alone with his or her struggle with HIV!"


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