Email 557: Coming to Live in the Philippines

Posted by Pozziepinoy on 9:27 AM

Dear Pozziepinoy,

I was very impressed by your courage to come out and create such an informative blog in the Philippines. I know that the issue of HIV is taboo there and could cause discrimination.

Please, let me introduce myself. I have been living with AIDS/HIV for more than 30 years. Here in the US we call those people like me long term survivors. I am in perfect health at 63 and know that I might live many more years as longevity is a trait in my family from Egypt.

I am planning on moving to the Philippines towards the end of January for 6 months (as a trial period) but in reality I hope to live there permanently.

I know that I am taking a big risk, first because my medications are not available there, but I plan to get a one year supply (from donations) before I move. I will have to return to the US once a year to replenish my supply.

I will be staying in Cebu and would like to get involved in efforts to educate people on this condition and avail myself for help and support to sick people.

I am sure also that I will need your advise and network of support at times. Most important for me is to get to know you and offer you whatever advice or help I can to curb the spread of HIV/AIDS in your country. I have worked very closely with researchers here and I am very knowledgeable with all kind of treatments, even a possible cure. I know it is coming and I am determined to have something to do with it in this lifetime.

As a matter of fact, one of the reasons, I want to retire in the Philippines is to write my life story and all the struggles I have overcome. This in turn may become a source of inspiration and courage for others.

There's lots to talk with you about and this is just a note to introduce myself and voice my intention to provide help and support to the HIV community in the Philippines and particularly in Cebu where I intend to live.

Looking to hearing back from you.

With my deep respect,



Hi MO.

Thank you for your email.

Your letter is already an inspiration to me and will be a great inspiration to a lot of my readers. Living with HIV for 30 years just shows us that we all too can live long if we also just focus on our health.

When you come to the Philippines, you may contact me. I would like to know more about your story, your struggles and how you are dealing with HIV. I am glad that you want to share your story and your offer for help in educating people here about HIV will really be a big help. You may also be interested with my projects for our fellow PLHIV's and may also be a part of them. We are all in this fight and we should all work hand in hand in order to prevent the spread of HIV in the country and to help those who are living with HIV.

Stay healthy,

NO PLHIV is alone with his or her struggle with HIV!"


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